Sony FX-300 Jackal: A technological marvel of the late 70s


I’m a child of the 1970s and I’m glad I never knew about the Sony FX-300 “Jackal 300.” It would have been the ultimate unobtainable machine of my dreams…this, even despite the lack of shortwave. I was browsing eBay yesterday when I saw one of these pop up in the search results. Somehow, this radio […]

Surface-Stable Fractal Dither on Playdate


Rune Skovbo Johansen has a really sweet Surface-Stable Fractal Dithering technique, where the dither dots “stick” to 3D surfaces, yet the dot density adapts to the view distance and zoom level. Some people have asked whether this would be a good technique for Playdate, given that the screen is one-bit color. And so I had […]

Pathfinder 1: The Airship That Could Usher in a New Age


6 days ago Mark Piesing LTA Research Pathfinder 1, bankrolled by a Google billionaire, is an attempt to revive the airship. A century after terrifying disasters, is it a safe-enough bet? On 24 October 2024, a brief post was shared on the social media network LinkedIn. In it Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s airship company LTA […]

On David Lynch’s Revenge of the Jedi (2018)


  Adam Golaski Prologue SOMEHOW MY FATHER CONVINCED MY mother to squander a date night and watch David Lynch’s Dune when it was in the theaters in 1984. I was seven; my sister, five. When we asked about the movie, my mother or my father or both—they may’ve coordinated their anecdote—told me they knew they […]

TestRigor (YC S21) Is Hiring VP of Engineering


We are looking to hire a VP of Engineering, ideally who had experience scaling an engineering team in a tech startup from 10 to 100+ people previously. Here is how you can assess a match: If you worked as a VP of Engineering in a tech startup scaling from 10→100+ people – we would love […]

Why I’m writing a Scheme implementation in 2025: Async Rust

Why I’m Writing a Scheme Implementation in 2025 (The Answer is Async Rust) by Matthew Plant This blog post is an introduction to scheme-rs. I really love Rust. I’ve been using it as my language of choice for about ten years now. I believe that it is a remarkably well designed language, and that includes […]

Plane crashes, overturns during landing at Toronto airport


A plane crashed and flipped on its back at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport on Monday afternoon, injuring 18 passengers, officials say, following a weekend of heavy snowfall that led to flight delays and cancellations. All 76 passengers and four crew members on the Delta Air Lines flight from Minneapolis to Toronto were accounted for, said Deborah […]

Rare Photos from Inside North Korea’s ‘Hotel of Doom’


The stranger than strange Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea is one of the tallest unoccupied buildings in the world, and Englishman Simon Cockerell may be one of only two westerners to have ever been allowed inside. Having visited the hermit state around 200 times through working as a tour guide, a personal connection helped […]

What happened when REM went mainstream


What happened when R.E.M. went mainstream Peter Buck, Michael Stipe, Bill Berry, and Mike Mills backstage at the Hollywood Palladium in 1984. Richard E. Aaron / Redferns / Getty not since the muzak corporation has there been an institution that soundtracks drugstores, supermarkets, and shopping malls more readily than R.E.M. After monstrous airplay across the […]